But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore
Community outreaches in Palo Quemao area, BARINAS State
In the medical-social day held on May 13, 2023, in Palo Quemao area of Barinas State, breakfasts and lunches were delivered to the beneficiaries, packs of milk powder were provided to the elderly, pregnant women and children with malnutrition levels. A team of volunteers and health personnel (doctors in different specialties) provided medical attention such as pediatrics, ophthalmology, physiatry and general medicine. Also, medicine and clothes were donated and barber services were offered to those who attended the event. In general terms, the community was very receptive and the objective of bringing hope to a community full of vulnerable Venezuelan families was achieved.
Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.
Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.
Lucas Rafael Yepez Cardenas, 6 years old. Maracaibo – Edo Zulia.
He received a school kit from the Hope for Venezuela Foundation, his mother said to us that Lucas was very happy because it was just what they needed for the beginning of the school year, as most homes do not have the necessary resources to meet these needs.
Thank you very much to all the team that is part of this great work. Thank you for thinking about the needs of the little ones, some notebooks, pencils, colors and everything you provide make the difference and the results are seen in the smile and commitment of our children and our family.
Isabella Acosta. 4 years old. Maracaibo. Zulia State.
Thanks to Hope for Venezuela Foundation for the school kit that my granddaughter Isabel received, which was a great help to start the school year, her mother is a single mother and had not yet been able to buy the school list because of its high cost. Thank you for thinking of helping children in their education. Thanks to all who are part of this team, we hope you continue to help the children in need that we have in our area Los Pescadores.
People benefited in Barinas
Number of people attended by station:
General Medicine: 95 people
Pediatrics: 140 people
Dentistry: 90 people
Physiatry: 50 people
Approximate total number of people benefited: 375
Gasoline shortage in Maracaibo causes long lines and chaos for local drivers. The shortage has been noticed in other regions such as the Capital District, after months of relative normality.
Gas stations in Maracaibo close for hours due to lack of fuel. Some users check reports on social networks to know where to go to wait to fill the tanks of their vehicles. The scene is common in Maracaibo, as many gas stations are closed and those that are open are often crowded with vehicles. In the evenings, some gas stations close with chains and barriers. Fuel shortages have increased in recent weeks in Maracaibo an
and other regions of the country, such as the Capital District. Endless queues at gas stations have become part of the daily routine of Venezuelans, together with shortages of drinking water and electricity. PDVSA, the company who provides those services, attributes this issue to the «over-demand» generated by false information spread in social networks. However, PDVSA also claims that the necessary volumes of fuel are guaranteed, and citizens continue to face long lines and difficulties in obtaining supplies. The situation became a persistent problem and emblematic of the difficulties faced by the Venezuelan population in their daily struggle to obtain basic services.
Since June 2023 as part of the Hope for Venezuela team Reynier pursues to consolidate the Small Business initiative VenezuelaEmprende in order to create a dynamic platform to improve the economic conditions of the same, we pursue dreams, coherent ideas with capacity for acceptance in Venezuela, in order to be sustainable over time, we monitor, control and provide useful and updated tools for the management of small businesses with real growth projections, I hope this window will increase and we can continue adding to become an army of Hope’s entrepreneurs.
Fundrasing Campaign
We have already started our new campaign, this time we seek to raise funds for the purchase of 1000 school supplies kits that will be sent later around Venezuela, in order to provide relief to the high cost of the school list that Venezuelan families must acquire for the educational continuity of their children.
You can donate through the following link https://givebutter.com/SchoolSuppliesVzla Outreach of Givebutter or scan the following QR code from your camera.