But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore
VIRGINIA PAZ our Director of Operations tells us about the experience of the journeys carried out so far:
Hope for Venezuela Foundation in its humanitarian approach since September 2022 has undertaken work in vulnerable communities and itinerant health centers, offering services such as: pediatric medicine, adult medicine, vaccination, pharmacy, hairdresser and a humanitarian closet. At present, we have a team of 24 volunteers, health professionals, people motivated by the interest of supplying the needs of the most vulnerable and for economic reasons can not obtain primary health care. The locations where these medical-social days have been implemented are: Maracaibo, Ciudad Ojeda and San Francisco in the state of Zulia, and Palo Quemao in the state of Barinas in the country side.
Soon we will be in Falcón state carrying out this service work together with our local leaders. The planning and logistics of each day is different due to the locality and space, however, the services have been executed in the same way. Hope for Venezuela Foundation continues in the search for great alliances, potential donors who empathize with this work under the great need that exists in the country after a pandemic era».
The following are testimonies of some of the people benefited in the medical-social day held in May of this year in Los Samanes, Zulia state.
My name is Elvia Gonzales, today I went to pediatrics with my daughters: Emili, Marcia, Marcela and Adriana Carolina Gonzales. My oldest daughter had a tooth pulled, and they were also vaccinated, and I went through general medicine, where they also helped me with medicine supplies. Thank you Hope for this help.
iMaria Gonzalez went to the medical-social day in Los Samanes, Zulia state, with her son Aaron, 3 years old, and also took her mother Teresa Vilchez, 85 years old, as well as her cousin Via, both with special condition (deaf-mute). Teresa comes from La Guajira and in the medical journey they detected a level of malnutrition, receiving vitamins as treatment for it. Both were attended by the doctors checking their hearing condition, besides going through the screening station where they were weighed and their blood pressure was taken. Finally, she took her son Aaron to the Pediatrics station where, upon examining him, they detected that he also had a level of malnutrition.
People benefited in the Samanes Journey
Number of people attended by station:
Medicine Adults: 69 people
Medicine Children: 69 people
Dentistry: 36 people
Pharmacy: 170 people
Humanitarian Closet: 59 people
Vaccination: 43 people
Hairdresser: 33 people
Approximate total number of people benefited: 200
Zulians are currently struggling with electricity problems.
Electricity failures in the country increased by 50% according to the ‘Comité de Afectados por Apagones’ (Committee of People Affected by Blackouts). The NGO Comité de Afectados por Apagones reported a 50% increase in power failures in Venezuela during March where 6,043 interruptions were documented compared to February when 1,994 power outages were observed. The state with the most problems in the supply of this service was Zulia with 655 interruptions, followed by Miranda with 345; Cojedes 343; Táchira 342 and Mérida 334 power outages. Venezuela suffers intermittent blackouts on a daily basis, which can last for more than 24 hours, especially in the interior states of the country.
Has played the role of communicator who, by means of technological tools, has been able to create new concepts, she is in charge of giving life to certain messages and ideas that need to be transmitted to the public. Since 2022, she is the graphic designer of Hope For Venezuela Foundation, in charge of creating visual content for social networks, uniforms, advertisements and newsletters that are made monthly in order to update the progress that the foundation has made. She has been linked to the entire creation process, being up to date with any changes that occur, adopting a critical and creative point of view in favor of the growth of the Foundation.