But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

Newsletter July 2023


3. Recent Deliveries
4. Testimonials
6. News
7. Meet our Hope Team
8. Fundrasing Campaign
8. contacts
9. annexes


Community outreaches in Falcón State

n July of this year, the following medical social day was held in Sabana Larga, sector Este 1, parish of La Vela, Colina municipality, Falcón State. Donations of clothes for all ages were delivered through the Humanitarian Closet station; also, with the presence of medical personnel, different attention was given by: a hand surgeon, a traumatologist, a general medicine doctor, a pediatrician, and a pediatric surgeon. There was also a pharmacy station, where the medical staff was in charge of dispensing to the patients the medicines the team prescribed during the day.


The mothers of the children and teenagers who received donations of school supplies in 2022 tell us about their experiences.

Matheo David Plata Moreno, 6 years old. Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela.

Thanks to Hope for Venezuela Foundation for giving a school kit to my son Matheo Plata; he did not have the necessary resources to buy his articles for the new school year, everything he received was of great help to my child’s education. Thanks to all who are part of this excellent work for giving each child a smile in the most challenging moments of our communities.

Aranza Cordero, 9 years old. Maracaibo, Edo Zulia.

I want to thank Hope for Venezuela Foundation for bringing joy to my little girl with the delivery of a school kit; at that time, we did not have the necessary resources to buy the school list, thanks to the foundationnon profit for this beautiful blessing. The girl started the school year making use of the kit. We thank this great foundationnon profit and ask that they reach many more children since many single mothers are in similar situations in Venezuela. Thank you very much.

People benefited in the Falcon Journey

Number of people attended by station:

  1. General Medicine: 95 people
  2. Pediatrics: 140 people
  3. Dentistry: 90 people
  4. Physiatry: 50 people

Approximate total number of people benefited: 233

The crisis in the educational sector in Venezuela has deepened after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and despite the denunciations and permanent claims, little or nothing has changed.
Before the arrival of the pandemic in Venezuela, there was already talk of an «emergency in education,» with failures in essential services, in the infrastructure of schools, critical problems in mobility, «teachers and representatives’s salaries,» and children in a situation of malnutrition. Three years after the beginning of COVID-19, the situation has «deteriorated» and, in fact, for a good part of the members of the sector, the situation in the public education system in Venezuela, which faced differentiating elements concerning the rest of the region, «has worsened.» The year 2023 began with demonstrations by teachers demanding «decent» salaries that would allow them to cover their most basic needs and limited activities in some schools in the country. In March 2022, after the last salary increase, teachers earned the equivalent of $80, but, the devaluation has reduced their current salary due to the rise in May by the governm

equivalent of $80, but, the devaluation has reduced their current salary due to the rise in May by the government added to other bonuses, teachers reached a total of $70 basic salary «We are facing a tremendous educational crisis, many teachers have deserted. The economic and social crisis has caused them to quit their jobs. The teacher had to reinvent himself and look for other jobs. Those who are still teaching do it out of passion or because they are working double jobs, mentioned one teacher who preferred to stay anonymous.

link: https://humvenezuela.com/en-un-50-aumentaron-fallas-electricas-en-el-pais-segun-el-comite-de-afectados-por-apagones-via-el-impulso/

Meet our Hope Team

In 2022, Angelica Paz began to get involved by generating digital content for social networks; she is also responsible for collecting photographic evidence of the foundation’s work. She is in charge of taking photos and creating videos, editing them, delivering donations, and more on medical events. «It has been satisfying to see the foundation’s work so closely and to be able to capture the most beautiful moments made within all our non-profit events.»

Fundrasing Campaign

We continue have already started our new campaigncollecting funds to help kids; this time, we seek to raise funds to purchase 1000 school supplies kits that will later be sent around Venezuela to provide relief to the high cost of the school list that Venezuelan families must acquire for the educational continuity of their children.

You can donate through the following link https://givebutter.com/SchoolSuppliesVzla Outreach of Givebutter or scan the following QR code from your camera.


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Hope for Venezuela
P.O. Box 59
Zellwood, FL 32798
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